On June 21, 2011, the Commission released Comparative Consideration of 33 Groups of Mutually Exclusive Applications for Permits to Construct New or Modified Noncommercial Educational FM Stations, Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O), FCC 11-99.
In that document, the Commission identified FMEG client Lake Area Educational Broadcasting as the tentative selectee for two new stations..
Lake Area Educational Broadcasting operates the statewide Spirit FM radio network in Missouri.
FMEG filed both applications on behalf of Lake Area Education Broadcasting during a filing window that was open from February 19, 2010, through February 26, 2010, for 67 existing, vacant FM allotments on Channels 221 through 300 that had been reserved for NCE use.
The full document is here: http://licensing.fcc.gov/cgi-bin/prod/cdbs/forms/prod/getimportletter_exh.cgi?import_letter_id=26410
The CP for KCKZ was granted on August 11, 2011: http://licensing.fcc.gov/cgi-bin/ws.exe/prod/cdbs/pubacc/prod/app_det.pl?Application_id=1358002
The CP for KCKP was granted on August 8, 2011: http://licensing.fcc.gov/cgi-bin/ws.exe/prod/cdbs/pubacc/prod/app_det.pl?Application_id=1357992